
Technical guide to using.

Guidelines for the use of the Feedaty service within your e-shop, and instructions on how to use the management console, merchant configuration page and their widget.


Introduction to the Feedaty service

Feedaty offers a collection service, management and enhancement of reviews for e-shops.

Receive positive feedback from its customers to the e-shop offers the possibility of acquiring visibility on major search engines ( Google, Bing, Yahoo ), showing the ratings (the average rating in stars) and reviews in SERP results and ADWORDS, increasing the confidence of the customer already on the page of Google search results.

Feedaty through a certification process of the authoritativeness of the source, collects reviews about the service received from the e-shop and products purchased by their users.
The feedaty process by ensuring the flow of collection management, and then allows the publication, together with the seal of quality 100% CERTIFIED OPINIONS on the pages of the online shop.


The seal of quality

It is not only important to collect and publish reviews of real customers, but it is equally important that your users receive the veracity and reliability of content.



Releasing the seal of quality CERTIFIED OPINIONS on its home page will allow the online shop to be immediately recognized by new potential buyers as reliable and give even more confidence in the comments and opinions of other buyers. Increase the trust and credibility of your store will significantly increase the purchasing pulse of users and thus increase your turnover.


The process



Private Merchant Area ( Back Office )

Each store will have a private section on Feedaty, from which you can:

  • consult the opinions collected
  • analyze detailed statistics and analytics on the interaction
  • retrieve the codes for inserting Widget
  • manage your own mediation process for non-positive reviews

To access the URL is as follows:


(use the logon credentials are sent by commercial in service activation time)


The merchant of Feedaty page

The platform publishes all reviews collected on a page dedicated to the merchant, accessible to all web users.
The positive reviews (rated by 3 up) will be posted in real time, While not positive reviews (rated 1 or 2) will be "frozen" for 14 days, giving the store a chance to contact the final purchaser to fix the problem before they are published (through the process of "mediation").

Example of merchant page feedaty:



Integration: enter order details

To start the process, You must have your order management system or ecommerce site submissions to Feedaty information about orders shipped.
This can be done using different modes:

  • Lite: is ’ send blind carbon copy (CCN) at orders@feedaty.com the same purchase confirmation email sent to the customer. This kind of integration, being very simple, allows you to use the service only in the Feedaty, because the system will be able to read only the recipient and not the products he purchased. In this way you will power then only update the widget merchant ratings.
    To enable this feature you need to go into your back office Feedaty the Settings tab – Customize, look for the field “Email authorized to enter orders in LITE mode” and insert here l ’ sender's email address with which you will send l ’ email to Feedaty (at orders@feedaty.com). Once this is done you have to enter the ’ orders@feedaty.com Bcc address in the purchase confirmation email that you will receive.
    To ensure that the system correctly implementing the requests to be processed you must follow these directions exactly and do not use different systems than those listed. Is incorrect, for example, forward to orders@feedaty.com the email sent to your customers; l orders@feedaty.com address ’ must be strictly in BCC and the end customer who needs to release the feedback should be the recipient of the purchase confirmation email ’.
  • Live Lite: is ’ send directly to Feedaty customer email addresses that should receive the feedback request.
    To enable this feature you need to go into your back office Feedaty the Settings tab – Customize, look for the field “Email authorized to enter orders in LITE mode” and insert here l ’ sender's email address with which you will send l ’ email to Feedaty (at orders@feedaty.com). You must then send, for every order received, an email to orders@feedaty.com with these features: only your merchant code in object ’; only the ’ customer's email address in the body of the email ’. You can send a single email at a time, each order must be communicated with a separate email ’.
  • Live Lite 2: is ’ send or forward directly to Feedaty, all ’ address orders@feedaty.com, the confirmation d ’ order that receives the end customer. This mail will be retrieved automatically by the system l ’ email address of the customer. It is therefore essential that in the body of the email confirmation d ’ ’ email address is l order of the customer, in order for this form of integration can be successful. To enable this feature you need to go into your back office Feedaty the Settings tab – Customize, look for the field “Email authorized to enter orders in LITE mode” and insert here l ’ sender's email address with which you will send l ’ email to Feedaty (at orders@feedaty.com).
  • Full: is ’ send, at set intervals, to partners@feedaty.com an email with an attached CSV file containing all orders placed on Feedaty to be sent its email of inquiry. To optimize the management and loading the file from our Team we suggest l ’ sending file every 5/7 days.
    In order to be processed properly, the CSV file should be generated according to the following rules:
    • The first line must be the file header, i.e. must contain the names of the columns in the CSV file
    • Each row of the CSV file must be a single order, except for the CSV file that also contain information on products purchased (code, brand, name, image url, etc.), in this case, each row should contain the data identified on the order, the customer and the product you purchased. So that Feedaty can process properly several rows in the CSV file, You may want to list the rows sequentially on a single order, identified by code order.
    • The different values must be separated by the character ","or from";” (This is the separator)
    • Enclose in double quotes "”"the value, especially if it is within one or more times by the character used as a separator
    • It is preferable to use the format as dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:SSS
    • Add the column “Cultures” If you want to send the survey in different languages. Supported languages are: It, en, from, FR, es

CSV example valid minimum size (only purchasing process review):

    • “Order ID”,”Userid”,”Email”,”Date”
    • “2410”,”mariorossi@email.com”,”mariorossi@email.com”,”01/12/2012 09:39:46″
    • “8447”,”gianniverdi@email.com”,”gianniverdi@email.com”,”01/02/2013 16:40:18″

CSV example valid minimum size for purchasing process and reviews on products:

    • “Order ID”,”Userid”,”Email”,”Date”,”Product ID”,”Name”
    • “2410”,”mariorossi@email.com”,”mariorossi@email.com”,”01/12/2012 09:39:46″,”247″,”The name of the rose”
    • “2410”,”mariorossi@email.com”,”mariorossi@email.com”,”01/12/2012 09:39:46″,”903″,”Ten little Indians”
    • “8447”,”gianniverdi@email.com”,”gianniverdi@email.com”,”01/02/2013 16:40:18″,”887″,”The portrait of Dorian Grey”

It is also possible to provide additional useful information for better management and representation in the merchant page. Are manageable information as images, URL for the page tracking and other product descriptions.

Example of valid size extended CSV:

    • "Order ID","UserID","Email","Date","Product ID","Name","Brand","Url","Image"
    • "2410","" 827,"mariorossi@email.com","12/1/2012 09:39:46”,"247","The name of the rose","AB Editions","://www.shopsite.com/ilnomedellarosa ",":/www.shopsite.com/thumbs/247.png "
    • "2410","827","mariorossi@email.com","12/1/2012 09:39:46”,"903","Ten little Indians","Yellow","://www.shopsite.com/diecipiccoliindiani ",":/www.shopsite.com/thumbs/903.png "
    • "8447","1388","gianniverdi@email.com","2/1/2013 16:40:18″,"887","The picture of Dorian Grey","Classics","://www.shopsite.com/doriangrey ","://www.shopsite.com/thumb/887.png "

Example of valid size extended CSV MultiLanguage:

    • "Order ID","UserID","Email","Date","Product ID","Name","Brand","Url","Image","Culture"
    • "2410","" 827,"mariorossi@email.com","12/1/2012 09:39:46”,"247","The name of the rose","AB Editions","://www.shopsite.com/ilnomedellarosa ",":/www.shopsite.com/thumbs/247.png ","it"
    • "2410","827","mariorossi@email.com","12/1/2012 09:39:46”,"903","Ten little Indians","Yellow","://www.shopsite.com/diecipiccoliindiani ",":/www.shopsite.com/thumbs/903.png ","it"
    • "8447","1388","gianniverdi@email.com","2/1/2013 16:40:18″,"887","The picture of Dorian Grey","Classics","://www.shopsite.com/doriangrey ","://www.shopsite.com/thumb/887.png ","en"

NOTE: In the example above each point in the list corresponds to a row in the CSV file.

More information on the standard CSV format are available at URL: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values

  • Full (Alternative, via email): If you prefer you can send the contents of the CSV file (produced according to the rules described in the Full) in the body of an email addressed to orders@feedaty.com, in this way the CSV content of the email will be taken over by our systems and processed automatically.
    AND’ important that the email is sent in plain-text format with UTF8 encoding, otherwise will be discarded.
    As for the Lite version, to enable this feature, you must associate your merchant profile with the receipt of emails from him sent, so you must enter the email address with which you will send email to orders@feedaty.com in the field “Email authorized to enter orders in LITE mode” in the Customize Settings menu section of the back office Feedaty .
  • Advanced: through the feedaty API ( WS )


Integration: inserimento Nuovi Widget 2021

Al link sottostante è disponibile tutta la documentazione tecnica per l’implementazione dei nuovi widget 2021


Widget venditore disponibili:

Widget prodotto disponibili:


Integration: inserimento Merchant Widget v3

The merchant Widget allows you to display on your home page a box containing the overall evaluation received on the shop, the last review submitted and the quality seal 100% CERTIFIED OPINIONS.

The Widget allows users to open the Feedaty page dedicated to the merchant for all reviews collected from the store.

merchant_medium(example format available)

To display the Widget with the latest reviews collected on your home page, simply copy and paste the javascript code from the "widgets" section of the site dedicated to partners, selecting the preferred color version.

IMPORTANT: the widgets published are subject to caching system with a delay of 12/24 hours, so it may be possible behaviors seemingly mismatch between what is stated in the widget and that specified in the merchan tpage.

ATTENTION: The Widget Store will be visible only if there are certificate page on Merchant Feedaty reviews, otherwise you will not be displayed even if the embed code has been entered correctly on the page


Integration: inserimento Product Widget v3

The product will appear in the Widget product data sheets should have been issued product reviews.

product_small product_medium
( example of available formats )

The product will appear in the Widget product data sheets should have been issued product reviews.
The code contains a javascript zoorate_ProductID (Product Code) that should be emphasized by indicating on each product page where the widget appears on product code.
This and’ must ensure that’ the system can identify to which product the widget and’ reported without needing to send to Feedaty your entire product catalog. For example, If the widget and’ inducted into the detail page of your product that has XY0001 code then the javascript code will become:

“zoorate_ProductID”: “XY0001”,

Product codes are alphanumeric strings of up to 32 characters.

The full script code of the widget code to integrate into your page, already parameterized on your profile must be taken from the back office vs profile management, the menu item widgets. Copy and paste the widget code you want directly from the text field near the sample widget.

IMPORTANT: In case you want to replicate the widget multiple times within the same page, such as in the case of lists of products, the code must be removed from the back office, added the following optional parameter:

“zoorate_div_id”: “[Insert div id]”

Paying attention to the commas to separate it from the preceding/following, and by changing the ID of the div exists in precompiled code located in the back office, i.e.:

<div id=”zoorate_widget_e82jwh2hh….”></div> must be <div id=”[He inserts the div id]”></div>

ATTENTION: in this parameter will reference the div ID where you want to bring up the widget, by manually editing the div ID as in the example shown here:


Display widgets option without associated content:
During the setup of the widgets you will be in the situation of not having information that can be associated to display reviews within the widget. It is therefore possible switch on or off the display of those with invalid content ( reviews of zero ), through a special setting in the back office, widgets section.

IMPORTANT: the widgets published are subject to caching system with a delay of 12/24 hours, so it may be possible behaviors seemingly mismatch between what is stated in the widget and that specified in the merchant page.

ATTENTION: The Widget Product will only be visible if there are certificate page Feedaty reviews on its product, otherwise you will not be displayed even if the embed code has been entered correctly on the page



Integration with leading e-commerce platforms

Technical integration also have been developed for the main extensions e-commerce platforms, at the moment there are Add-ons, also called plug-ins or extensions, for the following platforms :

  • Magento
  • Zencart
  • Presta shop
  • OS Commerce
  • Virtuemart

Installing these plug-ins require the supervision and technical knowledge of functioning of the indicated platforms.
Each platform has its own installation mode, require reference commercial vs sending specific document containing directions for each of them.

The same document provides other tips of interactions with more platforms that we don't currently support the development of specific plug-ins, as :

  • CS Cart
  • Web Studio Login


Mediation process

The Feedaty service allows not only the collection and use of positive reviews, But even the better handling of bad reviews, for which he has been a special structured mediation process, adaptable to individual cases.

The negative reviews may be referred to the merchant or the product purchased and for both is the possibility of mediation.

The negative reviews are divided into two categories:

  • Lower-rated reviews 3
  • Reviews with rating equal to or greater than 3, but with customer's perceptible judgement as negative

Lower-rated reviews 3

The reviews by rating 1 or 2 are automatically sent to mediation.

In the case of review with rating 1 or 2 the merchant receives from an email notification system which is notified of the fact that his client has released a negative review. In the email lists: rating, contents of the review and the customer's email address.
The merchant then 4 days to decide whether and how to intervene, choosing between three possible options:

1 – The merchant can choose to contact for their account his client and publish the negative review without leaving other communications system to the client. In this case the path of mediation closes automatically after 14 days, time within which the merchant can write a reply the negative review received. Customer Feedback and response of the merchant will then be published together. If the merchant does not want to wait until the natural expiration of the mediation phase, can forcibly close the mediation via the reset button and start the publishing process.

2 – The merchant can, by clicking a button in the "mediation" section of your private area, ask the customer to edit his review: in this case, the system will send the client a new feedback request. It is obviously advisable to contact the customer for his own account, understand the reasons for his dislike and seek clarification before asking him to change the opinion issued, but there are no such constraints: each merchant has to choose the most suitable ways to relate to his client unsatisfied.
Once you have sent the request to amend the customer review, This will have 6 days to change your feedback. At this stage the merchant cannot force the closure of mediation. In the event that the customer confirm or modify any or all of its reviews in mediation, the merchant will notify you via email and this will appear any reviews modified.
At this point, that the customer has or has not changed his review, the merchant will be able to enter a reply (or change an already submitted previously) and the mediation will end at the end of the day 14 or at the request of the merchant via the close button.

We recommend that you use the option number 2 (and then send to the final customer a change request review) only in cases where there has been obvious misunderstanding.

Any replies from customers are subject to moderation by the editorial team.

Reviews with rating equal to or greater than 3, but with customer's perceptible judgement as negative

The reviews with rating equal to or greater than 3 are all read by the editorial team. If the editorial team considers that the customer has expressed a negative opinion, send review in mediation.
The path of mediation, at this point, It is the same machine described above.


OPT-OUT process

The OPT-OUT process is a feature made available to the end user, to stop receiving future emails from feedaty regarding this service.

The OPT-OUT notifications should therefore be collected even side merchant, to suspend any future submissions to Feedaty same, which however will enter these specific requests in a locked list.

The notification process by Feedaty to the merchant via automated email and sent to a specified by merchant, that will be your responsibility to regularly read the contents to take note of the recommendations made.

The email must be set by the merchant at their profile configuration, in the control panel service back office.



Posted in Manuals